Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tip Toungue Got Cut Hurts

Second Annual Conference in Venice IAASM


There would be many ways to define the two-day conference organized by former students medeani in Venice. I shall confine myself to the emergence of a comprehensive story of the simple facts.

First, since the hearts of the two days were the lectures, from that.

Economy, oil and energy were the major themes that the speakers (Bocconi professors, managers, or "shrink") presented in front to over one hundred invited to the meetings. It begins with the crisis, of course, explained by a recent study by Andrea Beltratti trying to figure out if there are common elements between or among those hardest hit banks that have better withstood the global financial collapse, but also what should be the pillars to underpin the new global economic growth (Professor Ignazio Musu) and what was the (lean) Italian economic performance during the last months (Tito Boeri). Hopes for a recovery takes the form of various letters of the alphabet: a W for the prof. Musu (a "ripresina" followed by a new collapse), V-Prof. Andrea Beltratti (with the full recovery of the world economy as a result of renewed health of financial markets) to V, but as one that gives the professors in the verifications, with the second leg very long and almost horizontal to the Western economies, while a drastic L for the Italian economy, according to Professor. Tito Boeri.

Then we talked about oil and, given the composition of the audience, the interest has involved the majority of people who have been let loose in a long applause after the intervention of one of the speakers traditionally loved by the students of the Master: the 'Salvatore Carollo engineer who, thanks to the presentation of his book "Once upon a time the price of oil" IAASM of the series, has put forward all His ability to tell a speaker according to him as it has come to $ 150 in July 2008 and the subsequent collapse. There was talk, as in a noir novel, of "suicide" and "divorce", with stakeholders in the oil market players in this story.

Finally, the third conference - one on Friday - it was a really unexpected surprise: the rapporteur, Massimo Visigalli, is a psychiatrist and, through an interesting test made it possible to help everyone present to identify what their strengths , its difficulties and the key to success in a team to work on the farm. After the conference, the frequently asked question was: "But you, result of that color are you? ".

But in Venice there is also this conference was the other: the "Grand Gala" on Thursday night in a luxurious restaurant near Piazza San Marco, where you could play the race who was wearing the dress more elegant, with some of the students this year amazed at themselves for their unusual style, but with the same desire to do some 'casino and have fun, post-evening spent around Venice ("Both the I know that now go to carouse around ", provided one of the most illustrious guests of the approaching dinner at my table for a few seconds) finished with imprecise night hours, the beautiful city tour conducted by Lorenzo, and Venetian medeano doc, who told us the secrets of the city with real passion.

As I said earlier: no definitions on these two days in Venice, only facts. And I think they have the facts speak for themselves: IAASM thanks!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Auto Auction In Malaysia

IEE IEE 2009 vs 2010


Our president has called "Radio Medea" and is apt expression: contains all the stories, gossip, informal communications, beliefs and truths regarding the Master . And "Radio Medea" had heard the news this week there would be A meeting between the Students of the Energy Industry Economics (IEE) of this year and last year: true, Medea Radio never lies!

The appointment is a time compatible with the commitments of students and workers at the end it turns out that the students after 18:30 do not end their day, while some workers get a bit 'late because it is already immersed in oil up to the neck.

The evening is pleasant and the exchange of information in both directions, from the "wise old men" ( EROI) for "young recruits" and vice versa, it is useful for both parties: it turns out the new "Gennaro" confirmed some rumors about some medeane from the cold east, trying to calm some students for upcoming exams, we speak of nationalities represented this year, will ride the same clichés and situations that are repeated every year, we talk about work .

And once the free time has run out, and already pressed the thought of preparing for the challenging first examination, the two groups are separated and the meeting may be said to be concluded with the promise to meet again, to replicate the experience with other groups and be ready for the next "battle-meeting."