Monday, February 22, 2010

Where To Get A Penius Wxing

Trophy 2010

This post continues the series begun last year with snow Trophy 2009:

The flag is flown back to in Trentino.

My, this year, even if they have the same colors and the same logo from last year, had a couple of important differences: no longer represented the school and is hanging Mattei for the whole week of competitions and events in Moena, in Val di Fassa.

And it was a good week (white, ma) rainbow of emotions.

First, white: Val di Fassa and Trentino are a skier's paradise (winter) and hiking (in summer): The infrastructure and facilities are really high level and allow a large good fun.

Besides, red: beside me, in these days of rest, there was Valentina who every day has improved his skiing style to be able to deal with (relative) calm the most challenging tracks, just the red ones.

Thus, rossobiancoblu (such as the Norwegian flag): Haavard, former medeano cup with great athleticism and cross-country skiing, still managed to win there (and who knows how many more times in the future: I think the 'only limit is only the end of work experience with the company).

But this you already know from a previous post.

And finally yellow for the chest of Francis, Alberto, Marco, Roberto (and Cristina): the first ex medeano like me, the other four students this year. The battle over who among us has run was the best resolved by looking at the first stakes faced by Roberto: there was no story! The old race (us) against young people (them) has run ended with a solemn "blow" without the possibility of revenge.

Ah, I forgot: gray sweatshirt with a big dog like that has been regatala!

Friday, February 19, 2010

How Clean A White Resin Stap Watch

snow for a night, under the Master Medea

As organizer of the series of evenings held my community on issues of poverty, financial crisis, labor youth and sustainable development, I can say that these meetings / conferences / debates were a success: there is good public relations interesting and challenging questions in the room were not trivial.

As passionate topics - so, as a listener of the conference - I can say I learned a lot, that I updated and that he knew important people and prepared. As a former

medeano finally, I had the pleasure and pride at being able to have under one roof, in the theater of Lainate 40 km away from SDM, a 4 Master former colleagues (who question time were felt, and they recognize facts) and the dean of the School Mattei refused to accept my invitation to get into the game in front of an unusual audience of non-professionals.

Heartfelt thanks to everyone for this content.

color Note: How many British pulled out in his (acute) good demand Francis C. that has unraveled with some skill between the terms "white collar ," "skilled workers ", " misplacement employment" etc etc? Say that the old guys in the room were able to capture at least the first three words of your question?!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Penis Physical Structure

The house aperitif failure (feat. Haavard @ Trophy Snow 2010)

I wish I could write in more detail Snow Trophy, there is enough time for this beautiful video that I shot in Moena with greetings by whom, ex medeano, Italy's past but was unable to do party with everyone. I think I've got to do it for you.

And since this person is Haavard, which in Norway has brought with him home two trophies (the greatest victory in the race to the bottom and third in the combined alpine skiing +), I'd say a video on his part is more deserved !