Monday, June 28, 2010

Unlock Tesco Crystal Mobile

Challenge The rich take me shove

Sometimes even a LO!

with this participation to the challenge "The rich I shove it" up Scrapbookingfreedom.
There were mandatory elements to be inserted at least 2 photos, at least 3 patterned papers, at least two ribbons, flowers or trees or animals at least 3, 1 scallop edge, free buttons in quantity. Also use the page of a book.

This is my result.


Lycra Aerobics Costume


were there was the meeting ASI Lazio, who saw our two referents Antonella Irene and celebrate a year in office: Greetings again:) (photo shamelessly snatched from the blog of Anton:))

meeting 27 06 2010 005[3]

The meeting was held in the now familiar location, which gives us ample space to work, exposing our work, shop and so accommodating:)

We spent a pleasant day's Scrap, creativity and the inevitable rumors.

But you can not say that there has been a productive meeting: the contacts have asked me to take a short course for the other partner and what went to realize it was this wallhanging (here there are a couple in order to make the idea of \u200b\u200bcreation in different colors)

Here the usual group photo (always shamelessly stolen to Antonella)

meeting 27 06 2010 023[8]

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Drivers For Pro Gate Magic

XI Bars Medea post-'09, that is: Italy is out, Soumaya's inside (the restaurant, of course)! A Fine Weekend

Aperitivi post-medea 10-06-24

for more distracted us remember: this space is about friendship, of cultures, of lives that cross for 10 months and then review them with different outfits in the world of work . And as for the famous founders of this space 10 months was completed about a year ago (and still are welcome those who want to talk here, especially the past year), talk about Medea is to talk about lunch, dinners, meetings, travel, missions and everything that allows us to find ourselves together again and feel a bit 'former students, some' friends and a bit 'crazy (not exactly in that order).

From here, the idea of \u200b\u200bkeeping track of these encounters with "Medea Aperitifs post-'09." For more details, see the map, which actually underestimates the number of meetings post-medea (you know that engineers are good with numbers and not with words, the list shows that the meetings were documented in these pages, the rest remains in the memory).

However, June was a month of major international meetings, and I'm not talking about the G20 of course Toronto. Not only because Basant is now in Italy and will remain there for a while ', but also because in a few days SDM has once again become a place of passage and training for some medeani waiting anxiously to return to Italy. Sasha & Gianmy we said, we do not have to Kassym written but it is worth mentioning a huge meal in the restaurant business in the presence of almost everyone, to tell of missing Soumaya, which in the picture below is the space between pitchers of drinks, dishes filled with pizzas (the restaurant provided the formula eat-till-you-bad Bepz also known by the "League of pizza") and the waiter who sneaks into the picture without mercy (far right in photo), all while still trying to digest the bitter exit from the world of Italy.

His was a period of study and ended up as a classmate Fabrizio: The strategy for making noise in the old days was that the lessons of the BAE. Free time is spent with his girlfriend Sabina shopping to make shooting a bit 'the Italian economy, but I think the best moments were those spent together, or at least I hope I can do good to see a bunch of medeani ready to tell once again as it goes.

Moreover, it is always a nice thing to feel a bit 'former students, some' friends and a bit 'crazy.


Please note the gentle girl to my left, yes, despite the images of this blog seem to suggest otherwise, Giusy also attended the 2009 Medea!

With improper delay (cited) also welcomes the blog Giusy medeano in place that it deserves.

Pokemondeluge Legendary Pokemon

ASI Meeting Compendium of Curiosity Challenge # 2 Challenge

Here the second week of this challenge created by Linda . Theme
use fragments of Tim. I

I used a square, medium, to emphasize the message.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Watch Free Vedio Bangbros


This week the challenge Blog Helse had to do something with metal and rubber stamps and this is my result: a door strip to hang on the wall. With one of molds

Tim Holtz On the Edge I made from a heavy cardboard base which I then covered with metal embossed with a mold of the Ten Seconds Studio.

With Bind-it-all I had to push through the holes in the spiral which hang several ribbons. In another

Formina I cut the other metal, this time with the Alcohol ink and then stamped the word "Ribbons" with black Staz-on.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How Far Should A Coffee Table Be From A Sofa

Interview # 07 - Fabio Astone

Hello and welcome to Fabio Photographic Blog. First of all presented.

My name is Fabio Astone, I am 27 years old, born in Sardinia, but I lived in Rome and London for a month and live in Milan. I studied at Rome Film History and Criticism. After graduation I went to live in England. Important experience in my life. I held various jobs and I was able to do as an assistant for a photographer.

What brought you to live in places so different?

The desire to change, to new places, different people. Each site and send me something. I'm the guy with the suitcase, always on the go. And everywhere you need to grow in the field of photography.

How did your passion for photography?

I've always loved the cinema. And photography and cinema are linked. Photography would not exist without the cinema. Seeing the film I have kept everything under the appearance of the shots, lights and colors. Getting to photography, first studying the photographers and then put to the test, it was a natural consequence. All my pictures are inspired by the film, a story to tell.

I am very interested your link with the cinema: how do you like to explain your "stories"?

from films seen by stories heard and imagined, of the colors I want to express. There are photographs that need to arrive for a recount and others who come because you were there at that precise moment, and feel that the time is right. I am inspired by the film degi '70s, the French New Wave, to movies shot on Super 8, toned and burned. Colors and lights are researching and trying to achieve.

Why did you choose to make up precisely the kind of cinema?

because that's what I like best, I feel closer to me, and send me something.

You use a lot of the models, how to manage your relationship with them during shooting?

start photographing just friends, the people with whom I have lived in different town, my sister. For the first time in London, however, I photographed a guy who had never seen before. And from there began a new path. Photographing strangers. It 's very difficult. Taking pictures is like entering someone's intimacy, so if the person does not know is really hard. After London I worked with a fashion agency in Rome, and even there I was confronted with a way to work than my usual. Even then I had people in front of me never seen before. When someone in front of me I try to do it to relax, to make him feel at ease. Before you snap some photos "at random", then comes the moment when I decide or you decide the location, profile, how to position the body. It 'important that the person is relaxed before the camera. Then everything becomes natual and fun. But getting started is always difficult. It takes the right enthusiasm on both sides.

You said that you collaborated with a fashion agency ... how was the transition from picture "for you" work for others?

by chance. Dating lucky. And so I found myself taking pictures of models. When you work for others you feel, for better or for worse, longer bound by constraints and restrictions. You must satisfy yourself but also who has commissioned work. It 's definitely more difficult. There is always the other person and your expectations. Now I try to extricate from fashion magazines and photographs for me, "as you call them correctly. Working for someone else, have rules, and certainly serves to improve and learn to work together when dealing with so many compromises and difficulties. But the beauty is in that. Challenges every day.

So fashion photography is your ideal size, or have any other projects?

Like, I would like to continue working in the fashion, but I can think of two photographic exhibitions. A project on a wide-ranging and will be a collective one. For now, everything is top secret.

Before you said that all six places where you have been "formed" photographically. Would you like to talk in more detail about this?

It all started in Rome. With its sky, its parks, its special light, so clear and sharp. Rome is my passion for photography. On the rest is history. Then came to London with its light, its colors, architecture and faces that do not can be found anywhere else. When someone says that London is dark gray and not true. London is colorful, full of life, is a place where you feel like a hero and the next day, no one can hear you. Living there has given a boost to my photographs. Even the meeting with some people. And now there's Milan, the fashion city, a place so attractive and intriguing but also difficult and arduous. But I like challenges and we will see that my picture will undergo change.

Speaking of change: looking at your stream on flickr, I noticed that at some point you've switched to analog. Why?

I felt the need to prove myself. And I felt the need to take "the photo". With digital, you take like 200 pictures, or nearly so, during a shooting. And then you find yourself analyzing them all to understand what is the best. With the analog picture is. It is enough. And then there's the surprise, wait for the development, see what pops up. It would be nice to go back to analog, only use my old Canon AE1 program, but I know that is impossible (or almost).

What are your favorite photographers?

Nan Goldin, Diane Arbus, Carlotta Manaigo, Terry Richardson, Ryan McGinley, Mario Testino, Wolfgang Tillmans. They are each one different but inspire me, send me something.

One thing that you find easy to photograph and one that finds it difficult

All. Everything may seem difficult. But even easier.

A good purpose for the future.

Become famous and established. Joke ... Being able to work in photography, be able to do this I want to try to improve every day. And if the success and success is coming ... well. The secret is to always keep our feet on the ground, firmly. Then things get.

To see more photos of Fabio, you can visit his website or his Flickr account .

course all images are © Fabio Astone.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lady Doctor Chacking Man' Panis Vedio

card Basic Grey Mini Album Other

This is the mini album I did make the girls who participated in my course last Sunday, during the day scrap in Rome.
cards are used all the new collection Basic Grey "Chapel"

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Us Average Salary For Ccie

challenge ...

This time from the blog of Helse theme of the challenge: numbers.
I played a coaster with the patterned paper, stamps used for the Wendy's Old grunge flower cut from paper. A

some Stickles, a pair of glittery brads, some "punch" and that is ready at the last minute my little work:)