Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Craque Mou Bladewarband

Gustavo Re

Attor presentatore e comincia la sua avventura artistica come artista di spagna in Varietà unendosi alla compagnia Los Vieneses, specializzata rivista ed in operetta, Artuhur together with Johan and Franz Kaps. In 1942 the company after traveling through Europe he settled in Barcelona where you will find a huge success after which Gustavo debut in English and international cinema in 1955 in Mr. Arkadin, Orson Welles, in 1965 the chance to meet Toto taking part in the film Totò of Arabia and then the screens will appear again in the Italian film Profession: Reporter (1975) by Michelangelo Antonioni.Ma the variety is his passion and Los Vieneses will express more than working with the fledgling television in English production of television variety shows, music programs and mood swings. Gustavo Re was born in Milan and died July 4, 1908 June 5, 1979 in Barcelona


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