Monday, August 31, 2009

Japanese Way To Congratulate Mariage

heroes Pierre becomes


This week, two events bring a large and definitive word "end" to our Medea, Genna-to-face dream or all-crazy-for-Giammy.

The first is that from Tuesday, September 1st a large batch of ex-students is entering the world of work more than doubling the band of five heroes who spent the summer or part thereof in the office. Finally, I would say!

The second is even more interesting: it begins a new year of Medea!

Who knows what the mood of the Italian students who have been waiting / dreaded all summer this week: excitation (as in my case last year), curiosity, doubt, sadness over the summer, impatience to meet people from all over the world ..

Well, besides being an opportunity to rethink the early days of Medea lived only a year ago (the period in which they are completely changed), makes me aware that in a few days I will be part of the large group of former students of Medea, in particular class (that will change) to "those of last year," also known as "Heroes" (E Sami R advances in O signs I own) for the amount of tips that usually lavish in the periods immediately before exams ..!

So ready for this new year of acts (various) heroic!

A big good luck to all neostudenti medeani!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Scalyscalp On A 2 Year Old


'm back in Rome today.
Although I had the great pleasure of seeing two of (few people) really important to me ... We must say that I miss the forest. Indeed
.. I miss all that land.
I miss his biting cold, damp night his absurd, that its ability to change tempo every 10 minutes. I miss the feeling of tranquility that inspires deep forest, perennially feel safe, as if he had arrived home at last . Because that's how I felt at Broceliande. Home .
The whispers of the wind in the leaves, the sun peeked through the clouds, the artists met in the street, those stones that emerge out of the ground as if they were his vertebrae ... Its lakes, full of magic ... I will miss
all of this.
I will miss the kitchen strictly carnivorous inland and beautifully anchored to the sea, when in fact faces the ocean. I will miss what the Forest has been able to give me, to send me.
I still long for him (and hope not to lose street ) of the momentum that has been able to give me the kick to face what awaits me.
Forest has sown, the fruits raccogliamone hours.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Source Book Of Homoeopathic Materia Medica


Aperitivo con Pierre

For medeani, you know, like to travel around the world. The students this year during the summer, have covered all the continents on holiday, from Argentina to Canada via Russia, or to return home in Nigeria or Indonesia. Some people, in addition to traveling the world, is also citizen of the world, with an enviable triple citizenship spread over three continents: Europe, America and Oceania.

And such a person could only be after Kassym, the next medeano to make a stop in Italy and earn a drink with people who are sharing their summer in the office (Monday this group was joined by Simon).

Then, as they say in these cases, welcome back Pierre! And, hope to see you soon in Italy, this time from work, thanks - it is appropriate to say - for magical moments that have made us live during this year with your magic tricks that illuminated the night and won all, professors and colleagues.

And now, try to appear out of nowhere the whole class, we miss you already!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Figaro Olive Oil Is Good For Skin

of Britain 's like a vacuum unbearable .... The tale

... And I swear that I will return very high flying ... When I am clearer .. When I am no longer in love with you ... There's nothing, nothing, nothing that binds me to you ... But it's hard to defend ... It is still too fragile ... On this day without you ...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Why Do British Wear Red Rose Pin

's really a good deal that I do not put your fingers on the keyboard to write on this ... Poor Blog, you definitely feel sidelined ... And to think that a few years ago this tap on the keys of my pc was the form of more frequent and direct vent.
So ... I spend my first night back in Rome after a settimanella low in Sardinia, as is now tradition for 3 years.
Shit. Three years.
We talked this morning with Andrea in the car, while I enjoyed the sky changing hue from dark blue to indigo, from violet to pink, to get to that blue that blends with the color gold as the sun continues to rise.
do not know what happens to me or why. I think this morning at 8:30, when I got home and I put my pajamas (say I unpacked some times is an understatement when I am in Sardinia) ... I want the fairy tale.
The real one, that of "and they lived happily ever after" (or at least they tried) ... That Kind of when you hear the lips that touch, the hands that caress the body of the other person ... That the eyes full of love ... One that allows you to close your eyes and jump off, because you know that there is someone ready to take arms, or even help you to fly.
I do not feel all this for quite a while.
experiences, whether you like it or not, you mark laciano scars and sometimes find it hard to leave. And then you slowly build your armor, believing that the most someone can scratch, but that will never come to hurt you. To leave another scar.
I want to love unconditionally without being afraid of wounds, scars or falls.
I want to jump down there with the knowledge that there is someone to take me in his arms.

I realize that all this may sound very ridiculous and for a child who has the beauty of 27 years. But it's what I'm feeling now.
do not know if the season, if both the emotional and "sentimental " where I am, I do not know if I'm ( Instead, what I think most likely) crazy at all.
All I know is that I want the fairy tale.
And I can not get it, because nobody is willing to make me live.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

How Obvious Is A Tongue Piercing

Sometimes they come back (from all over the world)


The team hires former medeani is expanding and lunch in the restaurant business are becoming increasingly similar to those that were made earlier this year between students. Here, then, that on Monday we were in four at the table to tell us your first impressions, all positive, offices in which we are just starting out.

At some point, however, the face of Gianlu lights and waving his hand to a person behind me I turned just in time to see Kassym, a colleague of ours medeano Kazakhstan, which with tray in hand are looking for a place at the table. Amazement fills the eyes of all: what are you doing here?!? The response from her is: are meeting here in Italy to become the future leader of the world.

To celebrate the event should organize something, in typical style medeano. What alternatives? One: the appetizer!

And so, last night's mission in Italy has passed between Kassym glass of cocktails, chips, laughter and Italian accent who tells us with absolute passion, the afternoon spent in downtown Milan to buy a picture of the city for the mother-in-law who was celebrating her birthday, to remember a phone call to his wife who met at the office " that guy, come on, who has the good mother to prepare the pie! "and, between one thing and another, so to minimize, what will be in October, putting it, no doubt, as the medeano this year with the most important job of all!

And waiting to see Muhaimen future Iraqi Oil Minister on a business trip in Italy, wish you a big good luck to the boys medeani around the world, in the midst of their thoughts expressed in a thousand languages, they also prove their Master of nostalgia.

Give us a shot when you pass here, a drink will be waiting.