Saturday, August 29, 2009

Scalyscalp On A 2 Year Old


'm back in Rome today.
Although I had the great pleasure of seeing two of (few people) really important to me ... We must say that I miss the forest. Indeed
.. I miss all that land.
I miss his biting cold, damp night his absurd, that its ability to change tempo every 10 minutes. I miss the feeling of tranquility that inspires deep forest, perennially feel safe, as if he had arrived home at last . Because that's how I felt at Broceliande. Home .
The whispers of the wind in the leaves, the sun peeked through the clouds, the artists met in the street, those stones that emerge out of the ground as if they were his vertebrae ... Its lakes, full of magic ... I will miss
all of this.
I will miss the kitchen strictly carnivorous inland and beautifully anchored to the sea, when in fact faces the ocean. I will miss what the Forest has been able to give me, to send me.
I still long for him (and hope not to lose street ) of the momentum that has been able to give me the kick to face what awaits me.
Forest has sown, the fruits raccogliamone hours.


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