Monday, December 28, 2009

Granny In Plateau Heels

Tino Scotti

He was born in Milan in 1905, died at Tarquinia in 1984.
a Mexican father and Italian mother (Margaret Scott, opera singer) studied accounting and then graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts began as a draftsman, but soon found acclaim as an actor of variety. Besides the greatest actors of his day always proves to the occasion. Sing, dance performance, moving eccentrically in creating his characters in detail God knows just like the comics thanks to his studies.

Tino Scotti gab is perfectly punctuated by the eccentric body dissolved. The form states that the result of shrapnel words, facts and conclusions impossible. The proverbial memory at the service of a talented character actor. Opposite to the class volgarità.La frenetic attention to the beat of the bar, the great devotion to detail. Major player in the variety theater, cinema, radio.
Tino Scotti is the clown. E 'Fellini makes it immortal in 1971 by including it in his famous film "The Clowns".

in "The Follower" E. Trapani

with Mina in television variety

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Thesis Statement For A Report

"The witch" Carlo Dapporto

Dapporto Charles was born in San Remo, June 26, 1911.
Giovannissimo back in '27 he performed as a circus entertainer (1927). His training is complete it says Carlo, dancing, singing well prove to be a staordinario "eccentrinco. With its excellent acting debut around the 30s in the theater of the magazine.
Alongside Campanini is present in the circuit of variety but the national will notorieà next to the legendary Wanda Osiris.
will work in vaudeville in the heyday of the genre until in 1947 it will become DIRECTOR risviste creating numerous and often for the famous musical "Company" G & G (Garinei and Giovannini). Close friend of the Brothers De Rege, during his long career, but you will pay even tread theater to movies and TV always showing his artistic versatility. Charles was brilliant in comedic roles staordinariamente be equally capable of delicate and moving in the dramatic moments of his performances.
Famous for his "caricaturist" language, made up of continuous and crippling double meanings, the work of Dapporto significantly influence the generation of comedians that happens. Among his characters
one should not forget the most famous "witch", elegant in a tuxedo playboy who is nothing but a parody of itself (which does so much to the Gaston Petrolini). The bookseller

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Cheapest On Vespa Black Gran Turismo Helmet

Merry Christmas from Medeani! We

Medeani Merry Christmas from yesterday ...

Gruppo Medea

... and now!


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Muslim Condolence Card

"I looked out this morning and the sun was gone

Turned on some music to start my day

I lost myself in a familiar song

I closed my eyes and I slipped away "

on the song "More Than A Feeling" finally find the inspiration (and especially the words) to share some impressions about this great opportunity call Medea.

Why did I wait so long? I probably need time to organize ideas, to digest the events and name the emotions that run in my head. Or maybe I did not want the first comment was premature and somewhat conditional initial enthusiasm.

so I choose to write in a particular moment: in limbo between the end of the first battery of tests el 'beginning of new session. (The Sun, which has abandoned us and the fog ... ehh ... is that of Milan ...).

the master. Dynamic current, intense, sometimes harsh but always generous (not get rich from this difficult experience). Perhaps the reason for success is repeated in the years to be found in course content, quality services, and certainly in the 'experience of people working in this project. But (there is always a 'but') there are difficulties related mainly to time constraints and the large amount of information to be assimilated in a few months. Add some convention and a couple of extracurricular activities and the result is a bit 'of stress (gestibile!).

I think in the distant September 2, the first contact, the first drink, soccer, dinners, concerts and at the end of all, I believe that the true uniqueness of this master are the people who participate, us. Each with its own history and experience, all with a great personality and able to the group. A few months from 'beginning of the master is the feeling that everyone here is somehow able to change your life (and is more than a feeling).

honored to be part of this group .

Friday, November 20, 2009

Mother With Boobs Milk

Part of the project: post-drinks medea '09

Aperitivi post-medea 20-11-09

to keep count of the post-medea appetizers might be a good idea. Beppe Severgnini is already in its pizzas " Italians " around the world (which reached to 98), why can not we in our small?

propose some rules:

  • the headquarters, except in exceptional circumstances, shall be located at SDM (of course the drink may also be in Milan city) to the dense presence of ex medeani;
  • triggered the convening of the aperitif when a former medeano, for whatever reason, to our side;
  • in the following days you need to update the map and make a short story on the blog, preferably accompanied by photos;
  • it is not, as Beppe Severgnini, the Italian encountered abroad, but "foreign", even from the other Italian, who come to visit us in SDM.

the pretext of making a drink-after-IV was Ornella number medea, en route to a week full of training (it captures a bit of irony).

The meeting was set as always after working hours, but - incredibly - it turns out that medeani are already neck-deep in the activities of its offices to the point at 18.45, half an hour after the appointment, on 18 "called" if they have only four, including Stephen and Flavia, which is usually easy to win the trophy, "Give me-at least-1-hour-a-delay-and-we-are" astonished by the other present (and I Beppe).

In fact, in the end, the tables are filled, the jugs are emptied, the laughs pile up, the medeani the years prior to our Pit is (are always welcome!).

At 21, it also added to the group Fabrizio, who won the prize for this "employee-of-the-world-energy-plus-barricaded-in-office" (the hope that last night was only a rare exception).

makes a strange feeling, not exactly pleasant, stated that the only right one who was absent last week had the task of representing the year of our Master nell'inaugurazione official New Year's Medea.

represent what, this we have not yet figured out: that SuperPippo represents the world of superheroes, there seems to be? Exactly.

Friday, November 6, 2009

What Happens During A Sorority Initiation?

Flags of Our Fathers

And 'long, long time since I write above.
These days I barely want to talk with the rest of the world, giving me perhaps to write something I can pull off.
November, as it turned, it started really badly.
"Details" omitted (for my own good? I'll be free to decide what is right or wrong for me?), More or less serious allegations ... We have been accumulating on the mountain that was there and obviously did not want to see.
I'm tired. Exhausted, I think the more appropriate term. If there was
Ieio here with me, he would see his "Flags of Our Fathers " surrender to the mountain rather than challenge it to plant its flag. I
pasato few days at home, recovering from various things ... I returned to office only because that feeling of helplessness, sadness, pure, and I know you are not tax falling back again.
I put the posts and I'm not going to go back. Who can love me through those posts. Who says to do so, however, did not feel to go further.
I just gotta sit and wait. Something will happen.
Wait ... God, how I hate to leave and not be lulled by the events triggering part, participating actively.
I fear for the future. I am afraid of what those stakes might take me away. But I am aware that I can not most take three steps forward and back.
Albertina told me to repeat that phrase like a mantra: "What would it take for you you picked yourself in every moment of your life? And all that prevents you to choose the size that you really are ... and destroy discrea All "
I come first. Before any affection, love before any plastic. Try to persuade. And I try to move forward.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Deep Girdle Women Iliad

In plenary Mattei, once again

The first time I had the opportunity to meet students in the Master Medea older than I was at the first meeting IAASM the beginning of October last year had involved Professor . Andrea Beltratti (we were in the midst of financial crisis and wanted to understand why).

remember a handful of guys who came back smiling all incravattati to sit between the benches of the House Mattei pretending to be students again. Well this year it happened to me and the boys of my year (to confirm our satisfaction to reside on the chairs of the second plan ECU), always in a meeting IAASM.

In fact, personally, was a double satisfaction because the speaker was a known person: Stefano Casertano , author of an interesting book about geopolitics ("Challenge last barrel" that you see the cover), MBA Columbia NY, consultant and academic researcher, but above all in the recent past was my first boss.

More than a report of the meeting, which involved a group of video conference in Rome and of which you can download the documents from the site of the presentation by Stefano Casertano (which has proven expertise in a really complete) I wanted to focus on the effect that showed me a new vintage of the Master on the same bench on which I rested my notes only a few months ago.

Although the faces are different, the medeani are always recognizable: some people - including international students - sat with perfect posture (perhaps taught early in school, from an early age), who - among the Italian students - is sprawled on the table, who makes the slide and try to read all, who writes frantically on a notepad, who waits impatiently for the question time to ask his question and who is waiting impatiently appetizer which was organized for the evening.

But perhaps, in reality, medeani are like the students around the world and is only the fact of finding myself in the Hall Mattei, once again, brings me back to see the world through the eyes of Master Medea.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tip Toungue Got Cut Hurts

Second Annual Conference in Venice IAASM


There would be many ways to define the two-day conference organized by former students medeani in Venice. I shall confine myself to the emergence of a comprehensive story of the simple facts.

First, since the hearts of the two days were the lectures, from that.

Economy, oil and energy were the major themes that the speakers (Bocconi professors, managers, or "shrink") presented in front to over one hundred invited to the meetings. It begins with the crisis, of course, explained by a recent study by Andrea Beltratti trying to figure out if there are common elements between or among those hardest hit banks that have better withstood the global financial collapse, but also what should be the pillars to underpin the new global economic growth (Professor Ignazio Musu) and what was the (lean) Italian economic performance during the last months (Tito Boeri). Hopes for a recovery takes the form of various letters of the alphabet: a W for the prof. Musu (a "ripresina" followed by a new collapse), V-Prof. Andrea Beltratti (with the full recovery of the world economy as a result of renewed health of financial markets) to V, but as one that gives the professors in the verifications, with the second leg very long and almost horizontal to the Western economies, while a drastic L for the Italian economy, according to Professor. Tito Boeri.

Then we talked about oil and, given the composition of the audience, the interest has involved the majority of people who have been let loose in a long applause after the intervention of one of the speakers traditionally loved by the students of the Master: the 'Salvatore Carollo engineer who, thanks to the presentation of his book "Once upon a time the price of oil" IAASM of the series, has put forward all His ability to tell a speaker according to him as it has come to $ 150 in July 2008 and the subsequent collapse. There was talk, as in a noir novel, of "suicide" and "divorce", with stakeholders in the oil market players in this story.

Finally, the third conference - one on Friday - it was a really unexpected surprise: the rapporteur, Massimo Visigalli, is a psychiatrist and, through an interesting test made it possible to help everyone present to identify what their strengths , its difficulties and the key to success in a team to work on the farm. After the conference, the frequently asked question was: "But you, result of that color are you? ".

But in Venice there is also this conference was the other: the "Grand Gala" on Thursday night in a luxurious restaurant near Piazza San Marco, where you could play the race who was wearing the dress more elegant, with some of the students this year amazed at themselves for their unusual style, but with the same desire to do some 'casino and have fun, post-evening spent around Venice ("Both the I know that now go to carouse around ", provided one of the most illustrious guests of the approaching dinner at my table for a few seconds) finished with imprecise night hours, the beautiful city tour conducted by Lorenzo, and Venetian medeano doc, who told us the secrets of the city with real passion.

As I said earlier: no definitions on these two days in Venice, only facts. And I think they have the facts speak for themselves: IAASM thanks!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Auto Auction In Malaysia

IEE IEE 2009 vs 2010


Our president has called "Radio Medea" and is apt expression: contains all the stories, gossip, informal communications, beliefs and truths regarding the Master . And "Radio Medea" had heard the news this week there would be A meeting between the Students of the Energy Industry Economics (IEE) of this year and last year: true, Medea Radio never lies!

The appointment is a time compatible with the commitments of students and workers at the end it turns out that the students after 18:30 do not end their day, while some workers get a bit 'late because it is already immersed in oil up to the neck.

The evening is pleasant and the exchange of information in both directions, from the "wise old men" ( EROI) for "young recruits" and vice versa, it is useful for both parties: it turns out the new "Gennaro" confirmed some rumors about some medeane from the cold east, trying to calm some students for upcoming exams, we speak of nationalities represented this year, will ride the same clichés and situations that are repeated every year, we talk about work .

And once the free time has run out, and already pressed the thought of preparing for the challenging first examination, the two groups are separated and the meeting may be said to be concluded with the promise to meet again, to replicate the experience with other groups and be ready for the next "battle-meeting."

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The History Of The Barasoain Church

Basant Party: when Egypt makes a leap in Italy

09-09-19 Basant Party

Three months after the end of Medea 2008/09, are already three former medeani from Italy that are retouched in one way or another: who to get a promotion, people close to home and return the keys, for those who recover a couple of suitcases that were there with the first flight back!

And this time the ad hoc-organized event saw participation from Rome: a sign that the return of Basant in Italy was received with great warmth (myself, despite suffering from a slight influence, hath been bold to come out es'è deserved to spend Sunday in bed with bronchitis) and that there was a great desire to come together. What

we have learned in recent weeks is that Medea is able to create a network of contacts / friends who are also very useful in everyday working life: to rely on the experience of former medeani guys who work in different offices and provides additional training in the round and can meet many different environments and colleagues with benefits for all. This also applies outside the Italian borders, two offices, one in Italy and one in Egypt, where they work medeani two boys are in daily contact and to rely on mutual knowledge definitely creates a big advantage!

And waiting to find a few years in some joint project between the different each responsible for its own field offices, for the moment we console to be all at the same table to eat a pizza together and make us laugh!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Surfboard To A Hardtop Convertible

Monday, September 7, 2009

Where Is The Relic In Sims 3 Egypt?

Love This Town "Manos al aire"

Tú, que el control pierdes
habla en alta voz
Hières mi corazon.
Yo, treated
I can not explain this strange feeling. You

I want to understand and told me to shut up by saying I should not wonder

Because that's the reality of our love

And I
I have no weapons to confront
put my hands up, hands up I just

loving care, body and soul like it was yesterday

You've lost control I let carry

insecurity I've seen you grow
I can imagine that everything will change

but business as usual today and I
Shut down saying you have to master

Or will the final
Y yo no puedo así

got an armas para enfrentarte
Pongo mis manos, manos al aire
Sólo me matter
En cuerpo y alma amarte como ayer was

TRANSLATION: "Hands in the air"

You, you lose control
Speaking loudly

I hurt my heart, trying to listen I can not explain

What a strange feeling

You do not want me to understand
And send me to calm down, saying
What should I not surprised
Because this is the reality of our love

And I do not have to deal with weapons
I lift my hands, hands in the air
I care about is
love you body and soul, like yesterday

you who have lost control You've let you take

insecurity that I saw you grow

I can imagine that everything will change

Today even if everything goes as usual
and send me telling me to calm
What you are in charge

O will be the end And I so can not

I have no weapons to fight me I lift my hands, hands in the air
I care about is love
in body and 'soul, like yesterday

Monday, August 31, 2009

Japanese Way To Congratulate Mariage

heroes Pierre becomes


This week, two events bring a large and definitive word "end" to our Medea, Genna-to-face dream or all-crazy-for-Giammy.

The first is that from Tuesday, September 1st a large batch of ex-students is entering the world of work more than doubling the band of five heroes who spent the summer or part thereof in the office. Finally, I would say!

The second is even more interesting: it begins a new year of Medea!

Who knows what the mood of the Italian students who have been waiting / dreaded all summer this week: excitation (as in my case last year), curiosity, doubt, sadness over the summer, impatience to meet people from all over the world ..

Well, besides being an opportunity to rethink the early days of Medea lived only a year ago (the period in which they are completely changed), makes me aware that in a few days I will be part of the large group of former students of Medea, in particular class (that will change) to "those of last year," also known as "Heroes" (E Sami R advances in O signs I own) for the amount of tips that usually lavish in the periods immediately before exams ..!

So ready for this new year of acts (various) heroic!

A big good luck to all neostudenti medeani!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Scalyscalp On A 2 Year Old


'm back in Rome today.
Although I had the great pleasure of seeing two of (few people) really important to me ... We must say that I miss the forest. Indeed
.. I miss all that land.
I miss his biting cold, damp night his absurd, that its ability to change tempo every 10 minutes. I miss the feeling of tranquility that inspires deep forest, perennially feel safe, as if he had arrived home at last . Because that's how I felt at Broceliande. Home .
The whispers of the wind in the leaves, the sun peeked through the clouds, the artists met in the street, those stones that emerge out of the ground as if they were his vertebrae ... Its lakes, full of magic ... I will miss
all of this.
I will miss the kitchen strictly carnivorous inland and beautifully anchored to the sea, when in fact faces the ocean. I will miss what the Forest has been able to give me, to send me.
I still long for him (and hope not to lose street ) of the momentum that has been able to give me the kick to face what awaits me.
Forest has sown, the fruits raccogliamone hours.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Source Book Of Homoeopathic Materia Medica


Aperitivo con Pierre

For medeani, you know, like to travel around the world. The students this year during the summer, have covered all the continents on holiday, from Argentina to Canada via Russia, or to return home in Nigeria or Indonesia. Some people, in addition to traveling the world, is also citizen of the world, with an enviable triple citizenship spread over three continents: Europe, America and Oceania.

And such a person could only be after Kassym, the next medeano to make a stop in Italy and earn a drink with people who are sharing their summer in the office (Monday this group was joined by Simon).

Then, as they say in these cases, welcome back Pierre! And, hope to see you soon in Italy, this time from work, thanks - it is appropriate to say - for magical moments that have made us live during this year with your magic tricks that illuminated the night and won all, professors and colleagues.

And now, try to appear out of nowhere the whole class, we miss you already!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Figaro Olive Oil Is Good For Skin

of Britain 's like a vacuum unbearable .... The tale

... And I swear that I will return very high flying ... When I am clearer .. When I am no longer in love with you ... There's nothing, nothing, nothing that binds me to you ... But it's hard to defend ... It is still too fragile ... On this day without you ...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Why Do British Wear Red Rose Pin

's really a good deal that I do not put your fingers on the keyboard to write on this ... Poor Blog, you definitely feel sidelined ... And to think that a few years ago this tap on the keys of my pc was the form of more frequent and direct vent.
So ... I spend my first night back in Rome after a settimanella low in Sardinia, as is now tradition for 3 years.
Shit. Three years.
We talked this morning with Andrea in the car, while I enjoyed the sky changing hue from dark blue to indigo, from violet to pink, to get to that blue that blends with the color gold as the sun continues to rise.
do not know what happens to me or why. I think this morning at 8:30, when I got home and I put my pajamas (say I unpacked some times is an understatement when I am in Sardinia) ... I want the fairy tale.
The real one, that of "and they lived happily ever after" (or at least they tried) ... That Kind of when you hear the lips that touch, the hands that caress the body of the other person ... That the eyes full of love ... One that allows you to close your eyes and jump off, because you know that there is someone ready to take arms, or even help you to fly.
I do not feel all this for quite a while.
experiences, whether you like it or not, you mark laciano scars and sometimes find it hard to leave. And then you slowly build your armor, believing that the most someone can scratch, but that will never come to hurt you. To leave another scar.
I want to love unconditionally without being afraid of wounds, scars or falls.
I want to jump down there with the knowledge that there is someone to take me in his arms.

I realize that all this may sound very ridiculous and for a child who has the beauty of 27 years. But it's what I'm feeling now.
do not know if the season, if both the emotional and "sentimental " where I am, I do not know if I'm ( Instead, what I think most likely) crazy at all.
All I know is that I want the fairy tale.
And I can not get it, because nobody is willing to make me live.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

How Obvious Is A Tongue Piercing

Sometimes they come back (from all over the world)


The team hires former medeani is expanding and lunch in the restaurant business are becoming increasingly similar to those that were made earlier this year between students. Here, then, that on Monday we were in four at the table to tell us your first impressions, all positive, offices in which we are just starting out.

At some point, however, the face of Gianlu lights and waving his hand to a person behind me I turned just in time to see Kassym, a colleague of ours medeano Kazakhstan, which with tray in hand are looking for a place at the table. Amazement fills the eyes of all: what are you doing here?!? The response from her is: are meeting here in Italy to become the future leader of the world.

To celebrate the event should organize something, in typical style medeano. What alternatives? One: the appetizer!

And so, last night's mission in Italy has passed between Kassym glass of cocktails, chips, laughter and Italian accent who tells us with absolute passion, the afternoon spent in downtown Milan to buy a picture of the city for the mother-in-law who was celebrating her birthday, to remember a phone call to his wife who met at the office " that guy, come on, who has the good mother to prepare the pie! "and, between one thing and another, so to minimize, what will be in October, putting it, no doubt, as the medeano this year with the most important job of all!

And waiting to see Muhaimen future Iraqi Oil Minister on a business trip in Italy, wish you a big good luck to the boys medeani around the world, in the midst of their thoughts expressed in a thousand languages, they also prove their Master of nostalgia.

Give us a shot when you pass here, a drink will be waiting.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Milena Velba Big Boobs Blog

"the movement" of ... Mary Fields

Alluring and unscrupulous the chanteuse with their looks and disturbing their legs still in sight, moving their generous body alongside presenters, singers, finidicitori comedians and accompanied by an 'orchestra under the stage became a symbol of the variety show and an antique show. Inspired by the famous artists to paint the posters that depict and split legs in the air in a crazy Can Can or while on the catwalk show off their hair, their voices of singers, their provocative sensuality vanguard of social custom.
Mary Fields was born in Rome in 1871 and after a difficult childhood and the usual apprenticeship in 1901 he could perform in vaudeville. In Spain he had learned the rumba and a provocative way to move his body. Maria De Angelis, this was his real name, became known as the inventor of the "move". Accompanied by snare his body twisted and produced in a sensual movement basin stamped by the bass drum. Little is known of his voice but the move has been written so much and it seems that Mary inspired by the famous Guido Da Verona Romance. But the "move" or the "coup de belly" in French, which made her famous for all the twenties and he claims the title of "maneater" became a cornerstone of the repertoire of chanteuse and the like 'invention of caricature by Nicola Maldacea was one of the crucial innovations that marked the transition from the smoky cafe-chantant the light variety ...
From his debut at the Teatro Amor Trastevere scritturara the fields began to be in the most prestigious venues and finally came to the Sala Umberto and diva began to decline contracts minor unleashing the wrath of those who could not afford to go to the theater in kid gloves marsina.Venne and then organized a punitive expedition and during an evening Mary was greeted by boos and throwing tomatoes by the Trastevere. Mary then decided to return to the fields Love Theatre where he was received with full honors. On that occasion, showing off pink tights un'audacissima that shocked not just the audience ...
In 1930 he retired and forgotten by all, as seems to be the destiny of the legend, he died in poverty in a Roman hospital in 1963.
The story goes that when Vittorio De Sica, the bishop already had to retreat from the scene and offered a bit part in the film Shoeshine.
The legend says that instead of his eightieth birthday he was asked to "move" and Mary did not need to repeat twice.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cook Between Boobs Piture

Thoughts of a newly hired worker


After all, I predicted that I would put in this situation: in recent weeks of rapid and unforeseen changes quickly in status - from student to employee - is it that you're looking for, with nails, not to give up what the wind of time leads us to leave the current. I am speaking of Medea, of course.

is why today, when the technician handed me the keys to access my company's computer world, the second thing I did was to organize my mail account in a perfectly hierarchical in order to interact better with my colleagues and my boss. The

first thing I did, however, was found in the company directory and contacts in communicator medeani international students who were already working in the company before starting the Master: it was a draw of lottery winnings in starting , I found them all.

Angola, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Tunisia: a small piece of the Master, but now at my fingertips, like when you have a tremendous thirst and there is a glass half full of ice water. Not much, but we do it enough.

And here Basant and Soumaya in real time, and Francisco and Hadi deferred, gave me a warm welcome in society through which we were lucky enough to know. And it was really a great welcome them as yet next to the classroom.

Not comrades, this time, but colleagues and friends.

Mysure Mallige Blue Film Vidio

Area Master Medea 2010

Someone asked me, someone was looking for him last year, someone else, after all, we had hoped

as this blog has had great success as a container for the candidates to FAQs Medea 2010, I propose to use this post as aggregator of students who have been selected for the 2010 Master (Not to pretend anything, I know that the results have already been sent: my two friends candidate for next year have both been successful, it seems that some of my suggestions is served!).

What can you do between the comments, is simple:

  • know who among those sitting next to you in the selections are passed or not,
  • know if someone in your town away in Milan, is looking an apartment and join him in search ,
  • spread to those who already know that this link has been taken in order to amplify the effect of word of mouth and help it to share information,
  • of questions begin to torment the boys last year (except me, I'm already in Milan: D) on any tips on apartments that will be vacant because some of the boys, I can anticipate already have been made in Rome and will leave your accommodation free,
  • any other business.

Who wants, can even ask my permission to use this blog to make post regarding the huge Harassment Comments (EMO, but not in that sense!) To share with other prospective students 2010.

All this is to resolve disputes due to privacy rules that, for obvious reasons, the school is required to Mattei respect.

A proposed format to be used in comments, enter: name, e-mail, city of origin, if looking for accommodation in Milan or San Donato, possibly (but at your own risk) for a number of cell contact you, maybe you could also indicate the day of the interview, so maybe you remember who was there with you that day!

Any feedback would be welcomed, I hope to be helpful!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Vn Mod Mount And Blade

Music, music, music ...

I just finished watching a movie thrown on the bed in commpagnia of my favorite junk food to munch on .. And I remembered, in the finished film, to what I fear has passed since I wrote above.
seem millions of years.
My days pass away quickly, especially in the office where he do not stop for a moment ... Summer is in full life (even if the weather disproves what I say) ... I saw a couple of concerts, not bad (the last one for Depeche Mode ... What a sight!), It certainly will see more ... For an animal gig like me, summer is a prosperous village in the eyes of a barbarian. There is to raid at all costs ... In this case, musically speaking of course.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Mariner 4hp Outboard How Fast Can It Go?


Rather than studying,
more than learning new concepts,
more than a personal gratification,
more than an average rating,
that most of the research projects,
more than a job for the first Italian company,
more than a diploma,
more than a Master.

A wonderful experience of life, many friends, knowledge of many different cultures.
travel through 10 months that made us become "great."

this experience I will never forget ... and you?

phrase of the year: It had never happened!

guagliù Hello! ( trans.: Hello guys! )

Saturday, June 6, 2009

What To Expect With Lupus

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Stop Dog Destroying Bed

"Hello My ..." Insomnia

Those words still echo in my ears at a distance of hours.
And do you know, obviously knows.
Yet it was what I wanted to hear. Probably
know that too.
Damn me.

Tree Branch Centerpieces

Barbette in Le sang a poet

Barbette with his transvestite character, perhaps more than normal then that today, becomes an icon like Female impersonator. His ambiguous and the end game is the result of a careful study of the characteristics of all the divas of the past. Become a powerful and compelling, the masculine strength coupled with feminine grace on the trapeze, turns it into a divine being itself, which includes both sexes in their best aspects. The strength of this androgynous character crosses the ages and fades into oblivion while others just as any memory of the great artists of his time, Barbette not. Does not die and even today the network is swarming with pages dedicated to him like his contemporary fame.
unfortunately lacks a video call a performance on the trapeze, anyone who was in possession of or known to exist would make us a great gift.
In the meantime, we refer to the vision of this piece of film, as well as the entire work of Jean Cocteau's Barbette in a scene in which retail 5.05, appears trick for a few moments.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

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Barbette, the queen of the air

The young Vander Clyde was dazzled by the circus as a child accompanying an acrobat learns the trade of harness, rings and wire taut. A series of fortunate coincidences with his stubbornness led him soon in vogue in the circuit of the American circus. But it was William Morris noting his extraordinary talent introduced him in Europe. Since then the young man had performed dressed as a female since his debut in the role of one of the sisters Alfaretta what were then the undisputed protagonist of the aerial arts. In France
Barbette is the celebrity and became one of the biggest attractions of the circus and music-hall of all time. His daring performances on the trapeze, which was virtuous, and the wire that ran on tiptoe like a ballerina, drew the attention of illustrious personages of the time. But in addition to his athletic skills Barbette, the name he had given, was admired for his ability to play the female role. How do I read an article of the time: When dresses as a woman, it seems a woman, and woman.
Jean Cocteau also falls in love with it and wants one of his memorable film 'Blood of a poet' I remember in a letter this way: Neither Stravinsky nor Auric, nor the poets nor painters, nor myself included .. . has never view similar class and scenic art of the time Divine Nijinsky!

The paparazzi do not give truce Barbette who performs in the biggest circus and variety of French and all the Europa.Anche Man Ray immortalized in a series of shots celebri.Ma in 1938 left the harness and retiring in his career United States where he became professor of aerial disciplines for the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey. It was then the author of large aerial choreography with the combined use of ropes flying tumblers, harnesses, straps and tools of his own invention. It seems that in that time has directed Pinito Miss Mara del Oro and the two legendary trapeze artist in some ways still unsurpassed. He worked on Broadway and was a consultant for many films even though his name appears frequently in the titles of coda.Intelligente and cultured, passionate about philosophy and literature released the last interview in 1966. In 1973, the American Queen `air 'left the air and land suicide.

"Le rideau sur un décor s'écarte useful: fil de fer entre deux Supports, systeme de trapeze and rings hanging from the frame of the scene. Basically, sofa covered with a white bearskin on which, between the exercise and enjoyment of wire trapeze, Barbette, removing her dress embarrassing play a little shocking scene, a true masterpiece of mime , where, parody, summarizing all the women he studied, he becomes a woman-kind at the point of extinguishing the nicest persons that precede or follow it on the poster. "Jean Cocteau